Saturday, December 26, 2015

Three Pillars of Health: Eat Right

It can be really hard to eat right, especially when there are so many opinions on what "eating right" means!

The first step is to stop eating wrong.  Make a list of those things you know are in your current diet which are hindering your health and work to eliminate them.


Breakfast cereal
Fast food lunch
TV dinners
Carbonated beverages
Processed snack foods
White bread

Choose one and work to change your habit.  Let's take carbonated beverages.  Say you drink a soda every day with your lunch.  For the first few days, swap your soda out and replace it with fruit juice mixed with seltzer water.  Then swap the seltzer water for probiotic-rich water kefir, eventually lowering the amount of fruit juice with the goal of eliminatin the juice entirely.  Just this one change can make a big impact on your health!  

What if your diet is clean?  You drink water and herbal tea, limit sugar and processed foods, eat plenty of vegetables and healthy proteins, but portion control is a problem.  Aromatherapy can help.

Portion Control Aromastick

Prepare an aromatherapy inhaler with:
5 drops cardamom eo
3 drops vanilla absolute
2 drops peppermint eo
2 drops pink grapefruit eo

Take two deep breaths in each nostril before eating.  The sweet scent helps to curb the appetite.

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