Saturday, September 24, 2016


Aromatherapy inhalers are a great way to use aromatherapy in crowded places or around children while reducing the exposure to those around you and intensifying the experience for yourself.

While room diffusers are wonderful and are very useful to set the mood or combat an illness which is making its rounds through the family, the inhaler is personal.  It can be filled with essential oils for a particular individual for a particular need.

In our family, we use a blend of ginger and fennel EO in a personal inhaler to combat motion sickness.  Similarly, for an upcoming international trip, I am formulating inhaler blends to use during flight to assist with jet-lag and travel anxiety.

To use a personal inhaler, simply add the desired essential oils to the wick, insert the wick into the inhaler and close the inhaler.  When using, remove the cap, inhale deeply through the nose for a few minutes, then cap and store the inhaler.  They are small, portable, and personal.  Make sure you label your blends as well, and given the proximity to the nose and mouth, it is wise to label each inhaler with the initials of the individual using it.

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